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Join Places and Schools of Sanctuary Ireland in Celebrating World Refugee Week

Next week marks Refugee Week, culminating in World Refugee Day on June 20th, dedicated to recognising the needs, resilience, and potential of refugees worldwide.

Join Us: Places of Sanctuary and Schools of Sanctuary Ireland invites you to commemorate this important week by utilising two valuable resources:

  • Video Presentation: Watch and share our touching video produced by Action Aid Ireland, titled “Together, we are stronger.” This under 4-minute video carries a simple yet powerful message suitable for all age groups and communities.
  • Educational Leaflet: Download our updated leaflet here, providing essential facts about Migration and International Protection. Designed as a two-sided A4 document, it’s ideal for educational institutions, libraries, faith groups, workplaces, and communities.

Looking Ahead: We plan to expand this resource pack throughout summer and autumn with personal testimonies and stories from our Sanctuary Ambassadors.

Take Action: Use these resources creatively within your networks. Share your activities on social media and tag Places and Schools of Sanctuary Ireland to amplify our collective voice. Contact us if you need leaflets sent to you.

Stay Updated: Complete our simple contact form here to receive news, event updates, and resources.

With warm regards and best wishes for a meaningful Refugee Week celebration,

Schools of Sanctuary Ireland Team

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