Sanctuary in Nature & Heritage offers opportunities to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers to enjoy Irish wildlife, landscapes and built heritage, and to share their stories of nature and heritage in their own countries with Irish people.

Sanctuary in Nature & Heritage Excursion at Phoenix Park
19 August, 11am – 3pm
Meeting outside the Ashtown Castle Phoenix Park Visitor Centre, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8 Co. Dublin – Dublin City
An invitation to enjoy the living Heritage stories from around the world by joining our upcoming Sanctuary in Nature & Heritage excursion at the Phoenix Park on Saturday 19th of August.
In the celebration of Heritage Week, we are extending our invitation to a wider audience to join us for a free outdoor family activity ( walking tour) to enjoy Irish wildlife, landscapes and built heritage of Phoenix Park, meeting new people from all around the world who will share their stories of nature and living heritage in their own countries.
This Sanctuary in Nature & Heritage excursion is organised in collaboration with Meath Partnership as part of Meath Partnership Interconnect project which aims to support integration and inclusion through a week long programme of workshops, activities and day trip for asylum seekers, Refugees and Migrants.
Sanctuary in Nature & Heritage is an initiative that aims to provide a place of sanctuary through Irish wildlife, landscapes, and built heritage for people new to Ireland.
Sanctuary in Nature & Heritage is a recipient of the Heritage Capacity Fund 2023 grant from The Heritage Council which is helping us to develop our initiative and reach out more people, bring more collaborations which mean doing more excursions and projects around Ireland engaging more people with Irish wildlife, landscapes, and built heritage.