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Tiffy Allen — Coordinator

Tiffy Allen is the National Coordinator for Ireland. She worked as Network Coordinator for the UK for seven years and supported many local groups and streams to get started as well as helping to promote and shape the network, which now has over 100 groups. Tiffy has worked in the refugee sector since 2000, during which time she has founded several successful charities. She previously spent 20 years as a development worker and language teacher in Tanzania and Kenya. Tiffy lives in County Wexford with her husband Brian, and has two sons and one grandson.

Other Team Members include:

Sara Hakim – School of Sanctuary Director

Sive Marie O’Connor- School of Sanctuary Coordinator

Caoimhe Butterly- School of Sanctuary Coordinator

Olga Rai- Sanctuary Ambassador Coordinator

Kinda Nassli- Education Coordinator

Homayoon Shirzad- Sanctuary Ambassador Leader (Volunteer) for IT Supports

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