The staff and board of Places of Sanctuary Ireland, in consultation with experts in the field, has awarded Louth Library Service with national recognition as a Library of Sanctuary. The 5 library branches in County Louth are clearly making a wonderful contribution to building a community of welcome and sanctuary across County Louth, and we look forward to building on their great work in the future.
Louth Library Service consists of 5 branches, Dundalk, Drogheda, Ardee, Dunleer & Carlingford. They also provide a Schools Service for the 75 primary schools in the County. Although Louth is the smallest county in Ireland, it is the most densely populated with two large towns: Drogheda & Dundalk. The current population stands at 139,000 with 19% born outside of Ireland.
This award recognises the good practice that takes place in Louth Library Service. The libraries welcome people seeking sanctuary and all new arrivals in the community. Their aim is to continue to foster a culture of welcome and inclusivity.
Comments from the Community
Members of the appraisal team and the Louth Community have endorsed this award. Here are some of their comments:
“These libraries are doing amazing and commendable work and I would agree on the designation.” Sanctuary Ambassador with Libraries of Sanctuary experience.
“When I moved to Dundalk with my children, the library soon become our safe haven. We received a hearty welcome and felt such a sense of belonging, it was a wonderful way to start integrating in Dundalk”. Dundalk teacher originally from Zimbabwe.
“Louth County Library does wonderful pioneering work to make refugees and people seeking international protection feel welcome in the community there. That work should be a guiding light to libraries throughout Ireland.” Places of Sanctuary Ireland Board Member.
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